Sewer Sludge Treatment
Spreading grit and swept debris washing systems
Sewer sludge from sewage systems is heavily contaminated with organic substances and its disposal or dumping is therefore very costly. A further problem has been posed in recent times by the disposal of spreading grit and street sweepings. Here, too, legally compliant processing and disposal is required.

Existing experience with the specific accumulation of such material shows that much of it is dumped incorrectly or illegally. It therefore appears absolutely essential to reduce the amount of sewer sludge, spreading grit and street sweepings through washing, thereby processing it in such a way that the material can be recycled or taken to a construction waste disposal site.
With the reduction in sludge and the convenient disposal option, costs can be reduced very significantly. Decades of experience in the treatment of these materials guarantee you the delivery of high-quality standard systems as well as tailor-made systems for all application scenarios for the processing of such materials.